Wednesday 5 June 2013

Superfood : Lemons

Lemons are a superfood when it comes to healthy living. Many people might find them hard to eat though, as they are quite sour. Of course there are many other ways to include lemons into your diet without eating them straight away. 

For myself I like to mix them with either Tea or Water. When I have a cold I eat them straight away, to get the nice burn in my throat. Lemon goes great with fish and can be sprinkled on salads as well.


Extremely rich in vitamin C
Lemons are high in vitamin C, which will help battle infections and diseases.

Powerful Antioxidant
Lemon is high in Antioxidants just as the Blueberries, Green Tea and Walnuts in the previous posts. The Antioxidants battle free radicals that produce cancers. Lemons actually contain 22 anti-cancer compounds that, in a study slowed or even halted tumor growth in animals.

Studies suggest that lemons are Anti-Carcinogenic which lowers the rates of prostate, colon and breast cancer.

Good for your liver
A few drops of lemon juice mixed with hot water purifies the liver and cleans the digestive system. Lemons are great for detoxification.

Anti-Bacterial properties
In experiments, the juice of lemons destroyed bacteria of malaria, cholera, diphtheria  typhoid and other deadly diseases. Image what it does to the flu.

Raw Lemon juice

Drinking raw lemon juice gives great benefits as well. Drinking raw lemon juice is said to assist in..

  • Losing weight
  • Detoxification
  • Boosting the immune system
  • Battling colds
  • Clear radiation(if there is remaining radiation in the body after chemo for example.)
This is only a small breakdown of the benefits this great fruit provides. Most sources say it's the best to mix lemon with hot water. For myself its either Green Tea + Lemon + Honey. Or cold water + lemon. I sometimes mix up water using lemons and limes or even fresh mint leaves. When you only drink water, tea, coffee and juices it's great to get creative with your drinks and mix them up with fresh fruits. When you are putting lemons in your water don't forget to remove the peel, as a lot of pesticides are used on the peel. 

If you have any suggestions on how to include lemons in your diet, feel free to leave a comment.

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