Sunday 5 May 2013

How to live a healthy lifestyle

Want to feel awesome? Start living in a healthy way!

Before I start posting on different foods and drinks, I would like to address how to live a healthy lifestyle in the first place.

A healthy lifestyle would at least consist of the following practices:
  •        Good sleep
  •        Exercise
  •        Eating fruits & vegetables
  •        Drinking water

There are of course many other things that contribute to a healthy lifestyle. In my opinion these four are key in attaining and maintaining healthy lifestyle.


The benefits of sleep are endless. We need sleep to maintain our normal body functions.

  •        Improve memory
  •        Live longer
  •        Perform better
  •        Improve your emotional stability
Lack of sleep has been linked to depression, weight gain, various cancers and diabetes. Try to maintain the average 7-9 hours of sleep then u should be okay.


The recommended exercise time is 30 minutes 5 times a week. Go out for walking, jogging, swimming or cycling. Also one strength training each week is recommended. The first step to exercise is the most difficult for most people. Just look in the mirror
And ask yourself: ‘Am I satisfied with my body today?’ .If the answer is no then you know you need the change. After a while exercise will become easier. Once you lose the weight and gain strength you’ll feel awesome!  

  •  Controls weight
  •  Improves your mood
  •  Boosts energy
  • Combats diseases and health conditions


Eating fruits & vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are among the healthiest foods. They are low in calories and almost all of them are fat free. They help the body getting vitamins, minerals and other natural nutrients your body needs to stay healthy.
  •        Control your weight
  •        Lower your risk of stroke, heart disease, and high blood pressure
  •        Reduce your risk of type 2 diabetes
  •        Lower your risk of some types of cancer
  •        Boost your energy level
  •        Look and feel great!

Drinking water
As 55-78% of your body is mainly water, it should be no surprise drinking water is healthy. Water is our natural drinking source and it cleanses our body from toxins. Men need an average of 3L (13 cups) per day while women need 2.2L (9 cups) per day. Just make sure water becomes your main drinking source during the day.

  • Helps losing weight
  • Natural remedy for headache
  • Better Exercising, as water regulates your body temperature and also fuels your muscles.
  • Water detoxifies your body
  • Good mood

All the subjects above will be discussed more in detail in later posts. This post is just a beginning of things to come. My goal is to provide you with the information you need to live healthy and become awesome!

The choice is yours....

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