Sunday, 13 October 2013

Is organic food better for you?

Over the last decade there has been a push towards a responsible and healthy approach to eating. Organic food production is finally getting accepted in our society and it could not come at a better time! With diseases as BSE, Salmonella, BST and genetic engineering of our foods the consumers demand change. The answer to all these problems is quite clear: Go Organic.

"Organic faming means using nature's own tools to do something natural: grow and harvest food that is safe for everyone and everything."

To live organically doesn't mean giving up the pleasures of life, and it also doesn't mean a whole lifestyle change. It means to be a responsible consumer. You have to be aware of the issues first, which I will highlight in this blog post. Once you know all the facts about conventional farming methods, you are very brave to not go organic.

The advantages of going Organic

Organic products are grown without synthetic chemical pesticides and synthetic chemical fertilizers. With organic faming, great attention is paid to the health of the soils, animals and ecosystems involved in the creation of these organic foods. The following benefits rise to the occasion.

  • Reduction of the amount of toxic and chemicals in our food supply. 
  • Protecting the health of future generations. The choices you make today will have a major impact on the future generations.
  • Creating a safer and healthier food supply.
  • Improving the quality of the soil
  • Healthier environment for both humans and animals. Balance of our ecosystem is a top priority for Organic farmers.

Reasons for Going Organic

  • Organic food is produced and grown under natural conditions, therefore no chemicals are used. 
  • Organic vegetables are grown without artificial fertilizers or pesticides in the ground. 
  • Nothing labeled as organic is irradiated or is Genetically Modified (Check this link:GMO for more info).
  • You will avoid hundreds of food additives. In the EU these are called E-numbers. Many of these additives are known to cause: cancer, hyperactivity, insomnia, birth defects, anxiety, asthma and allergies. (Check this link: E-numbers for more info)
  • Organic is also good for the farm animals. These organically raised animals are given comfortable surroundings and space, also are they fed with organic foods. These animals are not been giving antibiotics or other drugs with exceptions to serious illnesses.
  • Organic foods have never been linked to BSE (mad cow disease)
  • Going organic will increase the demand for organic products. When you choose organic you send out a message to food manufacturers, farmers, retailers and governments that you do not want to buy conventional food but choose organic. In turn organic food will be more readily available and less expensive in the future.

With avoiding all these chemicals you build yourself up to good health. Your body (mostly your liver) will not have to work hard to get rid of all the chemicals in your food. You will feel better and will be healthier if you make the change.

Furthermore organic foods are more rich in vitamins, minerals and other essential nutrients which support your overall health. Besides all this, organic food actually tastes a whole lot better! I dare you to try the difference before judging.

Organic food is more than just a new trend in eating. It is the food of the future and one of the few ways to eat safely and be certain that what you are eating is healthy. Never before have we been given the opportunity to control what we eat and put on our bodies, take this opportunity before it's to late.

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