Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Omega 3 rich Foods

So what are essential fatty acids?

Essential fatty acids are acids our body needs but cannot create by itself. Therefore these omega 3 and omega 6 acids need to be obtained through your daily diet. These essential fatty acids are required by our bodies and provide loads of health benefits. Omega 3 fatty acids support your brain, heart, joints and your overall health. Omega 6 on the other hand is anti-inflammatory and helps maintaining a healthy skin.

The Problem with Omega 3

The problem is omega 3 is very poorly available in our most popular foods. Check out the picture below to see that only fish contains omega 3 in high amounts. This is why many people choose supplements high in omega-3 and I am a fan myself. I've been taking fish oil for almost 3 years now and have been really satisfied with my health since. I recently switched to Hemp Oil and Flaxseed oil caps to try something different.

Omega 3 rich foods

Down below you find another graph. This graph shows which foods are most rich in omega 3 fatty acids. I just take my supplements and eat walnuts and salmon when I get the chance. If you aren't using supplements is it recommended including some of these foods in your diets. 

Why are Omega 3 fatty acids good?

  • Omega 3 is effective against inflammation
  • Omega 3 eases muscle and joint pain
  • Omega 3 is good for your heart
  • Omega 3 raises good cholesterol and lowers bad cholesterol
  • Omega 3 increases brain function and memory power
  • Omega 3 may help treating depression
  • Omega 3 helps improving skin health in lots of ways.
Enough reasons to consider bringing in more omega-3 fatty acids into your diet. If your already eating a lot of omega 3's, good for you keep it up. Let me know if any of you are using them already, I find it interesting what my readers diet consists of.

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