Wednesday, 16 October 2013
Tuesday, 15 October 2013
Omega 3 rich Foods
So what are essential fatty acids?
Essential fatty acids are acids our body needs but cannot create by itself. Therefore these omega 3 and omega 6 acids need to be obtained through your daily diet. These essential fatty acids are required by our bodies and provide loads of health benefits. Omega 3 fatty acids support your brain, heart, joints and your overall health. Omega 6 on the other hand is anti-inflammatory and helps maintaining a healthy skin.
The Problem with Omega 3
The problem is omega 3 is very poorly available in our most popular foods. Check out the picture below to see that only fish contains omega 3 in high amounts. This is why many people choose supplements high in omega-3 and I am a fan myself. I've been taking fish oil for almost 3 years now and have been really satisfied with my health since. I recently switched to Hemp Oil and Flaxseed oil caps to try something different.
Omega 3 rich foods
Down below you find another graph. This graph shows which foods are most rich in omega 3 fatty acids. I just take my supplements and eat walnuts and salmon when I get the chance. If you aren't using supplements is it recommended including some of these foods in your diets.
Why are Omega 3 fatty acids good?
- Omega 3 is effective against inflammation
- Omega 3 eases muscle and joint pain
- Omega 3 is good for your heart
- Omega 3 raises good cholesterol and lowers bad cholesterol
- Omega 3 increases brain function and memory power
- Omega 3 may help treating depression
- Omega 3 helps improving skin health in lots of ways.
Enough reasons to consider bringing in more omega-3 fatty acids into your diet. If your already eating a lot of omega 3's, good for you keep it up. Let me know if any of you are using them already, I find it interesting what my readers diet consists of.
Monday, 14 October 2013
Best Food Documentaries
I have wanted to to share the best food documentaries for quite a while. I've made my top-5 list down below. Watching these will definitely change the way you look at food and diseases. I hope these documentaries will help you create a better lifestyle.
corporations put profit ahead of consumer health. It shows the effect our today's 'perfect foods' have on our health.
This is my top 5 for the best food documentaries. There are many more to find, if you like watching documentaries I can suggest this website.
Food Inc
For me the best food documentary out there. It shows where our food comes from and howcorporations put profit ahead of consumer health. It shows the effect our today's 'perfect foods' have on our health.
Supersize Me
Documentary filmmaker Morgan Spurlock eats fastfood for 30 days and reveals how toxic and dangerous fastfood really is. This documentary contains loads of information about what fastfoods does to our bodies. You will think twice when you consider eating Mac Donald's after watching this documentary.
Forks over Knives
Basically this documentary reveals what plant-based diets can do to control degenerative diseases that afflict us, it also shows how these diseases can be reversed eating a plant-based diet.
Dying to have Known / The Beautiful Truth
Documentaries on the works of Max Gerson. Max Gerson cured patients of cancer with his own created diet. His diet: fat-free, salt-free, low protein, great quantities of vegetable juice, supplements and detoxification. These documentaries show a whole new side to the cancer industry and the alternative cures that may be hidden from the mainstream. After watching this, you be the one to judge.
Simply Raw: reversing diabetes in 30 days
A documentary that follows 6 americans with diabetes who switch over to a diet containing only vegetarian organic foods, uncooked. It shows how diabetes is reversed by this diet, without pharmaceutical drugs.
This is my top 5 for the best food documentaries. There are many more to find, if you like watching documentaries I can suggest this website.
Sunday, 13 October 2013
Is organic food better for you?
Over the last decade there has been a push towards a responsible and healthy approach to eating. Organic food production is finally getting accepted in our society and it could not come at a better time! With diseases as BSE, Salmonella, BST and genetic engineering of our foods the consumers demand change. The answer to all these problems is quite clear: Go Organic.
"Organic faming means using nature's own tools to do something natural: grow and harvest food that is safe for everyone and everything."
To live organically doesn't mean giving up the pleasures of life, and it also doesn't mean a whole lifestyle change. It means to be a responsible consumer. You have to be aware of the issues first, which I will highlight in this blog post. Once you know all the facts about conventional farming methods, you are very brave to not go organic.
"Organic faming means using nature's own tools to do something natural: grow and harvest food that is safe for everyone and everything."
To live organically doesn't mean giving up the pleasures of life, and it also doesn't mean a whole lifestyle change. It means to be a responsible consumer. You have to be aware of the issues first, which I will highlight in this blog post. Once you know all the facts about conventional farming methods, you are very brave to not go organic.
The advantages of going Organic
Organic products are grown without synthetic chemical pesticides and synthetic chemical fertilizers. With organic faming, great attention is paid to the health of the soils, animals and ecosystems involved in the creation of these organic foods. The following benefits rise to the occasion.- Reduction of the amount of toxic and chemicals in our food supply.
- Protecting the health of future generations. The choices you make today will have a major impact on the future generations.
- Creating a safer and healthier food supply.
- Improving the quality of the soil
- Healthier environment for both humans and animals. Balance of our ecosystem is a top priority for Organic farmers.
Reasons for Going Organic
- Organic food is produced and grown under natural conditions, therefore no chemicals are used.
- Organic vegetables are grown without artificial fertilizers or pesticides in the ground.
- Nothing labeled as organic is irradiated or is Genetically Modified (Check this link:GMO for more info).
- You will avoid hundreds of food additives. In the EU these are called E-numbers. Many of these additives are known to cause: cancer, hyperactivity, insomnia, birth defects, anxiety, asthma and allergies. (Check this link: E-numbers for more info)
- Organic is also good for the farm animals. These organically raised animals are given comfortable surroundings and space, also are they fed with organic foods. These animals are not been giving antibiotics or other drugs with exceptions to serious illnesses.
- Organic foods have never been linked to BSE (mad cow disease)
- Going organic will increase the demand for organic products. When you choose organic you send out a message to food manufacturers, farmers, retailers and governments that you do not want to buy conventional food but choose organic. In turn organic food will be more readily available and less expensive in the future.
With avoiding all these chemicals you build yourself up to good health. Your body (mostly your liver) will not have to work hard to get rid of all the chemicals in your food. You will feel better and will be healthier if you make the change.
Furthermore organic foods are more rich in vitamins, minerals and other essential nutrients which support your overall health. Besides all this, organic food actually tastes a whole lot better! I dare you to try the difference before judging.
Organic food is more than just a new trend in eating. It is the food of the future and one of the few ways to eat safely and be certain that what you are eating is healthy. Never before have we been given the opportunity to control what we eat and put on our bodies, take this opportunity before it's to late.
E-numbers dangers
An addition to my post on Organic foods. Here is a danger list for E-numbers also known as food additives. Here is an overview of the most dangerous E-numbers.
There is also a useful app where you can check out the different additives.
For more information on E numbers begin by checking out the Wikipedia page.
What is a GMO?
Infographics on Genetically Modified Organisms, why you should avoid them.
(Click the picture for enlargement.)
Wednesday, 2 October 2013
Benefits and side effects of Coffee
The benefits and side effects of coffee consumption in an infographic. I'll probably get into detail on coffee later on.
Click on the image below
Tuesday, 24 September 2013
Supplements worth taking.
An overview of which supplements are worth taking. Remember it's always the best to eat fresh, but some bio supplements may boost your health in a positive way.
Tuesday, 3 September 2013
The importance of Sleep
As I said in my first blog post I'm returning to the subject of sleep. I recently watched a TED-talk on the subject and it remembered me how important it is to share the subject. When you're suffering from sleep deprivation your body, mind and overall health will suffer. It's pretty obvious we need to sleep, but many people still miss out on a good night sleep. There are many things to be gained from a good night sleep, you just need to see them first.
Here's a brief overview what happens when you sleep well, or have a bad night. (Russell Foster 'Why do we sleep?' for the link to the TED-talk click here.)
Here's a brief overview what happens when you sleep well, or have a bad night. (Russell Foster 'Why do we sleep?' for the link to the TED-talk click here.)
This TED-talk highlights some interesting benefits that come with a healthy sleep pattern. On the contrary there are a lot of health problems linked to a lack of sleep. I will highlights some of the benefits first.
Improve Memory
During sleep your mind will process the impressions of that day. This process is important for memory formation. A research from the journal 'Sleep' showed that people who slept 6 hours scored less on a test than people who slept for 8 hours.
Improve Concentration
A bad night sleep can keep you struggling all day. Half of the people who have poor sleep also have problems concentrating during the day.
Improve your Mood
Two thirds of people who filled in an QVC survey blamed lack of sleep when they feel irritated. Only 1% of the people in the survey said to feel great when they wake up.
Keeping your Figure
Lack of sleep slows your metabolism down drastically.This makes it easier for your body to gain weight. Getting plenty of sleep is a good step towards a healthy body.
Some more benefits..
- Ability to make better decisions
- Live longer
- Sleep prevents getting ill
- Better sex
- Remember things more clearly
- Increased creativity
- Lower stress
While I always like to focus on the bright side of things (the benefits), it's also important to take a look at some of the downsides to sleep deprivation.
Not getting enough sleep is linked to..
- The flu
- Heart disease
- Diabetes
- Brain function and Mental health
- Obesity
Tuesday, 20 August 2013
sweet sweet honey
We all know its good to avoid sugar in a healthy diet. Honey however is a natural sweetener you want to keep in your diet.
Honey offers many health benefits and is used as a medicine as well. Hippocrates believed honey was a great natural healing product and so thought the ancient egyptians. Honey is often used to treat wounds and can be used to kill bacteria in the throat that cause throat infection.
Some of honey's benefits
Boost immune system
Organic honey contains essential vitamins, minerals and enzymes that protect the body and support the immune system.
Honey helps losing weight
If you want to flush fat from your body honey is a great help. Drinking tea or warm water with lemon or honey will help detoxify your body and lose fat in the process.
Prevent Cancer & Heart disease
Honey contains powerful antioxidants which help reduce the risk of some cancers and the risk of heart disease.
Treat cough and throat infections
As said earlier honey is good for dealing with throat infections. The best way is to mix honey with hot water or tea.
Treating wounds and burns
Applying honey on wounds and burns is an excellent first aid remedy. Honey is a natural antiseptic, this means it inhibits the growth of bacteria and helps cleansing the wound and free it from further infections.
Honey boost your energy levels
Honey contains natural sugars that can boost your energy levels dramatically. Eating honey will also lower the body's crave for sweet food or drinks.
For me its always Tea with Honey and I occasionally add lemon or fresh mint. Other options would be to mix it with yoghurt or paste it on bread. It goes well with muesli and yoghurt!
Friday, 14 June 2013
5 Health Benefits of Salmon
As I only have been blogging about fruit and nuts so far, I like to share something else. Salmon is a great addition to anyone's diet. Salmon is delicious and besides that, offers many health benefits! You can eat it raw, cook it or grill it, in any way you will benefit from eating it. As for my own experience, salmon really helps me to stay fuller for a long time, which is really helpful especially when losing weight. Most of the times I just eat it like the picture here to the right, or i mix smoked salmon in my salad.
Salmon is rich in Vitamin D and is one of the best foods available when it comes to omega-3 fatty acids.
Omega-3 fatty acids offer a wide range of health benefits. They help preventing heart disease, aid in weight loss and boost your mood. Omega-3s will also slow the rate of digestion, you will feel fuller for a longer time after eating. More on omega-3 fatty acids later..first the benefits of salmon!
Benefits Salmon
Brain and Nerve system
Omega 3 fatty acids will help improving your memory and overall brain function. Besides that, eating salmon has been shown to lower the risk of developing Alzheimer and Parkinson's Disease. The omega-3 acids will also prevent blood clots that lead to strokes.
Heart Health
The omega-3 fatty acids found in salmon will help lower cholesterol. Salmon will lower bad cholesterol and boost the good cholesterol. Salmon also lowers the blood pressure and prevents the hardening of your arteries which in result reduces the chance of heart attacks.
Cancer Prevention
The vitamin D found in salmon will lower the risk of several types of cancer, mainly breast, prostate and colorectal cancer.
Eye health
Two pieces of salmon per week is enough to decrease the risk of macular degeneration and chronic dry eye. Fish oil has been well known for improving vision.
Hair and Skin health
Salmon is high in protein which helps to maintain healthy and strong hair. The omega-3s support a more youthful looking skin and have also been known to alleviate skin blemishes.
''Omega-3s are essential for
brain development and function (source). The human brain is 60% structural fat,
and in order to function properly, needs the right kind of fat (Omega-3s to
make sure that signals are passed quickly and easily between the membranes of
our brain cells.''
the above information comes from this website.
CSIRO research shows that seafood in particular Atlantic salmon has between10 and 100 times higher levels of Omega 3 than beef, chicken or lamb.
Overall, salmon offers too many health benefits to ignore. Eat it however you like. For some healthy salmon recipes visit this link.
Wednesday, 5 June 2013
Superfood : Lemons
Lemons are a superfood when it comes to healthy living. Many people might find them hard to eat though, as they are quite sour. Of course there are many other ways to include lemons into your diet without eating them straight away.
For myself I like to mix them with either Tea or Water. When I have a cold I eat them straight away, to get the nice burn in my throat. Lemon goes great with fish and can be sprinkled on salads as well.
Extremely rich in vitamin C
Lemons are high in vitamin C, which will help battle infections and diseases.
Powerful Antioxidant
Lemon is high in Antioxidants just as the Blueberries, Green Tea and Walnuts in the previous posts. The Antioxidants battle free radicals that produce cancers. Lemons actually contain 22 anti-cancer compounds that, in a study slowed or even halted tumor growth in animals.
Studies suggest that lemons are Anti-Carcinogenic which lowers the rates of prostate, colon and breast cancer.
Good for your liver
A few drops of lemon juice mixed with hot water purifies the liver and cleans the digestive system. Lemons are great for detoxification.
Anti-Bacterial properties
In experiments, the juice of lemons destroyed bacteria of malaria, cholera, diphtheria typhoid and other deadly diseases. Image what it does to the flu.
Raw Lemon juice
Drinking raw lemon juice gives great benefits as well. Drinking raw lemon juice is said to assist in..
If you have any suggestions on how to include lemons in your diet, feel free to leave a comment.
For myself I like to mix them with either Tea or Water. When I have a cold I eat them straight away, to get the nice burn in my throat. Lemon goes great with fish and can be sprinkled on salads as well.
Extremely rich in vitamin C
Lemons are high in vitamin C, which will help battle infections and diseases.
Powerful Antioxidant
Lemon is high in Antioxidants just as the Blueberries, Green Tea and Walnuts in the previous posts. The Antioxidants battle free radicals that produce cancers. Lemons actually contain 22 anti-cancer compounds that, in a study slowed or even halted tumor growth in animals.
Studies suggest that lemons are Anti-Carcinogenic which lowers the rates of prostate, colon and breast cancer.
Good for your liver
A few drops of lemon juice mixed with hot water purifies the liver and cleans the digestive system. Lemons are great for detoxification.
Anti-Bacterial properties
In experiments, the juice of lemons destroyed bacteria of malaria, cholera, diphtheria typhoid and other deadly diseases. Image what it does to the flu.
Raw Lemon juice
Drinking raw lemon juice gives great benefits as well. Drinking raw lemon juice is said to assist in..
- Losing weight
- Detoxification
- Boosting the immune system
- Battling colds
- Clear radiation(if there is remaining radiation in the body after chemo for example.)
This is only a small breakdown of the benefits this great fruit provides. Most sources say it's the best to mix lemon with hot water. For myself its either Green Tea + Lemon + Honey. Or cold water + lemon. I sometimes mix up water using lemons and limes or even fresh mint leaves. When you only drink water, tea, coffee and juices it's great to get creative with your drinks and mix them up with fresh fruits. When you are putting lemons in your water don't forget to remove the peel, as a lot of pesticides are used on the peel.
If you have any suggestions on how to include lemons in your diet, feel free to leave a comment.
Sunday, 2 June 2013
Avocado's awesome Health Benefits
Avocado is one of the healthiest fruits
on the planet. It contains many essential nutrients like..
Avocados offer lots of fibre and protein.
They also contain disease-protecting substances like Beta-sitosterol,
glutathione and lutein.
Avocados are high in fat, but for the most
part its monounsaturated fat. This is a healthy fat variety.
A lot of studies show that avocado's prevent
prostate cancer from growing. Other studies suggest that avocado's are effective
in preventing breast cancer as well.
Blood Pressure
Avocado's contain a lot of potassium.
Potassium helps controlling blood pressure levels.
a healthy brain
In the book ‘Change Your Brain, Change Your life’ the author mentions avocado's as one of the best foods for the brain.
Actually it is also one of the foods known to help prevent Alzheimer’s disease.
Folate, a substance found in avocado's helps to prevent the formation of tangles
in the brain that are considered to cause Alzheimer’s. Avocado's contain a lot
of brain healthy omega-3 fatty acids and natural vitamin E. These substances
have been proven to prevent Alzheimer’s from progressing and can even reverse
Alzheimer’s in the early stages.
the risk of strokes
The high levels of folate might also
protect against strokes. A study has shown that individuals who maintained a folate rich
diet had a lower risk of stroke than the individuals who did not.
Eye health
Avocado contains a lot carotenoid lutein.
This antioxidant is known to protect the eyes against oxidative stress damage.
This can lead to poor vision, cataracts and macular degeneration.
The antioxidant glutathione supports your
liver and your immune system. It replenishes and recycles other antioxidants in
your body. It’s a vital antioxidant for a strong immune system. Avocado is one
of the few fruits that contains a high amount of glutathione. The antioxidants
in avocados also battle free radicals.
absorbing nutrients
When eating avocados nutrient aborption is
increased. A study shows that, persons who ate salad including avocado's, absorbed five times the amount of carotenoids than those who did
not include avocado's.
Other benefits include; maintaining a healthy
heart, lower cholesterol and regulation of blood sugar levels.
Slice in two pieces, remove the nut. Avocado's are great in smoothies and salad. Avocado is also the main ingredient for Guacamole.
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